There are several obstacles to the IELTS listening test that one may experience and you may also be likely to face one of these challenges. Don’t worry; we have come up with this ultimate guide to help you score your desired score in IELTS Listening. So, let’s dive right in and shed some light on the subject.

1. Pronunciation

The pronunciation can be one of the three forms– British, Canadian, or Australian. Many of them with their special accent and different word pronunciation. There are also several words that one must be familiar with. The widely used ‘nought’ is, for instance, not very common in India. Depending upon the context, it may mean zero, failure, or nothing.

2. The Audio Level

In a nutshell, the listening exam is unrewarding because you can hear it just once and there is no way to get it back once you’ve skipped the information.

3. Distractions

The information is not straightforward in the audio. There are 4 parts, 2 of which are conversations between 2 or more persons. You will find diversions or information in these conversations changing as the audio continues.

4. Multi-tasking 

At the same time, you have to listen, read and write. Yes, when the audio clip is finished, there is no respite. For this examination, you need prolonged concentration periods.

5. Different Forms of Guidelines

Deciding whether to select a letter from the list or to write the answer in words?
The right answer is not just the one you find, it’s also the answer that is printed according to the directions.

Calculation of words and figures

The guidelines say ‘Pen down your answer in 2 words’. But the right answer is nineteen hundred and sixty-two! Changing it into a number like 1962 or not is the trouble.

  • Transferring replies to an answer file

In addition to all of these, incorrect spellings are also a problem as we are sure that autocorrect would not be a service you can use when texting.

  • Tips for solving challenges and improving the IELTS Listening Score

So you have read about the difficulties before, but now it’s time to learn about methods to resolve them. Here are some IELTS listening suggestions for achieving Band 9.
Notice the Examination

Related Article: Ultimate Guide to IELTS Preparation in 2021

  • Each listening section evaluates You on various skills

 Let us analyze each segment by its objective, the ability you are going to be tested on, or the kind of questions you can ask.

Section 1

The purpose of the inquiry is a telephone or face-to-face interaction. It may be an inquiry with a travel agent, receptionist, or vacation planner for the resort.

You will have a small table in this section of the test with a fill in the blank format that you have to fill out according to the suggested word count.

You may also expect a blank section to be filled in which you can fill out basic details. Here, the level of difficulty may be low and uncomplicated questions are mostly asked.

Section 2

The second section is mostly based on instruction in which a professor or management staff will give a student or employee detailed instructions to obey. The task will be to find matching information or fill in a particular word count in the blank spaces.

Section 3

As the sections increase, it may also be assumed that the variety of challenges will raise. In this section, you will hear a conversation between a group of individuals. It could be a conversation before a presentation on a current academic subject. You must prepare to tackle the complicated questions. To choose the right answer, you should be very careful in your thinking.

Section 4

Generally, this segment would be a speech on a subject from an instructor or an expert. The ability to understand complicated phrasing and vocabulary is the skill evaluated throughout.
Since a study on a current issue or technological innovation will be discussed by the speaker, you will be evaluated on your ability to understand the main concept and respond to questions relevant to the topic highlighted in the speech.

Here are diverse types of questions, so before you start applying for the IELTS bands score 9 listening tips, you need to consider various kinds of questions that could arise during the exam. And we have described the different types of questions that could arise in the exam so that you can begin to observe these types of questions previously.

  1. Matching information
  2. Multiple Choices
  3. Table, diagram, completion flowchart
  4. Sentence completion
  5. Short answer

Listen to different types of audio

Podcasts, BBC radio, speeches, TED Talks, etc. are best for resolving the problems related to Pronunciation and vocabulary.

6. Enhance the concentration

We recommend that you start listening to short audios, and then move to longer audios. In the beginning, taking on too much will make you feel exhausted while practicing. An important part of coping with adversity that comes with the IELTS is preparing your mindset to move on and don’t worry when you skip an answer.

7. Learn to do Multitasking

This is one difficulty that only practice can solve. Generally, in the audio, you get 30-40 seconds between each response. This provides you the much-needed time to quickly read the next issue.

Take dictations or write descriptions with professional assistance to get better at this. There are also several online professionals who can guide you through easy practice rounds.


Hopefully, at this point of the exam, the IELTS coaching in Chandigarh will help you get a better band score and will hopefully increase your overall band score as well. But five equal focus on academic reading, writing, and IELTS speaking too, to score well in all the papers. And, don’t forget to do online IELTS listening practice.